The citizens’ voice
Agreed Topics
Everything about the Final Agreement to end the armed conflict
Overview of the six Items of the Final Agreement to End the Armed Conflict and Built a Stable and Lasting Peace, signed by the Colombian State and the FARC-EP. The translation of this piece was made possible thanks to the support of the Embassy of Canada in Colombia.
Everything about the bilateral and definitive ceasefire and the laying down of the arms by the FARC-EP
Learn more about the implementation of the ceasefire between the Colombian State and the FARC-EP and the process for this group to lay down their arms. The translation of this piece was made possible thanks to the support of the Embassy of Canada in Colombia.
Everything about the Comprehensive System for Truth, Justice, Reparations and Non-Recurrence
Learn more about the Comprehensive System for Truth, Justice, Reparations and Non-Recurrence: the agencies that comprise it, their functions, length of mandate and composition. The translation of this piece was made possible thanks to the support of the Embassy of Canada in Colombia.
Cross-cutting issues
The inclusion of Differential Approaches in the Final Agreement
Learn more about what was included in the Final Agreement related to the gender-based and ethnic-based approaches: the objectives, main milestones in the negotiating table, who participated and what were the results. The translation of this piece was made possible thanks to the support of the Embassy of Canada in Colombia.
Everything about the mechanisms for the Implementation and Verification of the Final Agreement
Learn more about the implementation and verification mechanisms included in Item 6 of the Final Agreement: who make up for the Commission for Follow-up to the Implementation (CSIVI in Spanish), their role, as well as the other bodies responsible for monitoring and verifying the implementation. The translation of this piece was made possible thanks to […]
Legal tools for the peace process
Learn more about the instruments and legal provisions that were developed and that allowed the conditions for the peace process in Havana and, finally, the signing of the Final Agreement. The translation of this piece was made possible thanks to the support of the Embassy of Canada in Colombia.