
Was the Colombian Peace Process worth it?

The Peace Agreement between Colombian Government and the FARC-EP has been recognized as one of the most complex and comprehensive in the world, demonstrating that it is possible to advance in the resolution of a conflict of more than 50 years through a negotiation. Five years after the Final Agreement to End the Armed Conflict and […]



What was the origin of the dialogues between the Colombian Government and the FARC-EP in 2012?

The exploratory approaches, conducted in a direct and discreet manner, were held during six months in Havana, with the accompaniment of Cuba and Norway, after a year and a half of preparatory work. During this Exploratory phase, the problematic aspects were discussed and both parties built a joint vision of the end of the conflict. […]

The challenges of negotiating during wartime

In the middle of great expectations in Colombia, on October 18, 2012, in Oslo, the Conversations Table between the Colombian Government and the FARC-EP was officially installed. President Santos was emphatic that this new peace process would take into account the mistakes and successes of the past: not a single millimeter of national territory would […]

How was the Peace Agreement renegotiated?

After more than four years of negotiations, the 26th of September 2016 in Cartagena, the Agreement to end the armed conflict was signed. The Agreement was submitted to a Plebiscite on October 02, in which the NO won by a small margin. President Santos acknowledged the results, guaranteed the bilateral ceasefire would be maintained, and […]

The citizens’ voice


What was the citizens’ voice used for in the negotiation of the Peace Agreement?

In the Conversations Table, the importance of the citizen participation in the construction of a Peace Agreement was very clear. For that reason, many mechanisms were agreed  upon in order to make room for the voice of citizens, and especially that of victims.  National and regional forums were organized on each of the points of the […]

Agreed Topics


The importance of the countryside in the Peace Agreement

The Comprehensive Rural Reform stated in the Peace Agreement seeks for a major transformation of the Colombian countryside, in order to achieve the well-being of its inhabitants, bring development to the regions and eradicate rural poverty.  This point was divided into four main topics: 1) access and use of land, 2) Development Programs with a […]

Exchanging bullets for votes

Point 2 of the Peace Agreement developed the agreement on political participation, which sought to create the basis of a new democratic opportunity that promoted political inclusion and the emergence of new voices.  Since most part of the territories most affected by armed conflict did not have a significative representation at Congress, the Agreement created […]

How was the end of the armed conflict with the FARC-EP

Point 3 of the Peace Agreement aimed at ending the armed conflict, guaranteeing that the FARC could become a political movement and generate conditions to avoid new outbreaks of violence and new victims of the war.  In this point, the Technical Subcommittee for the End of the Conflict was created and was composed of thirteen […]

The weapons of the FARC-EP: from the mountains of Colombia to the hands of the UN

In March 2017, the oldest and most powerful guerrilla of the western hemisphere started the process of laying down their weapons, with which they terrorized Colombians for more than half a century. In order to leave them behind, the FARC had to move to local zones that were located in remote places (TLZNs). In the […]

An innovating solution to the eternal drug problem

To solve the illicit-drug problem in the territories is a measure for the non-repetition of the armed conflict, given that cultivation, production and commercialization of illicit drugs have crossed, fed and financed the internal conflict. That is why Point 4 of the Peace Agreement contains the agreement on the solution to the problem of illicit […]

The role of victims in the Peace Agreement

Half a century of conflict in Colombia left a devastating amount of more than 9 million victims. It is estimated that more than 260,000 people died and there are around 90,000 missing persons. Point 5 of the peace agreement developed the agreement on Victims and created the Integral System of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition. […]

Cross-cutting issues


What was the citizens’ voice used for in the negotiation of the Peace Agreement?

In the Conversations Table, the importance of the citizen participation in the construction of a Peace Agreement was very clear. For that reason, many mechanisms were agreed  upon in order to make room for the voice of citizens, and especially that of victims.  National and regional forums were organized on each of the points of the […]

Without a gender approach, the Agreement would have been incomplete

The Colombian Peace Agreement is unique in the world because, having met international criteria, it managed to include gender equality to consolidate peace and to promote the participation of women and LGBTI community.  Thanks to the gender approach it was recognized that women and girls have suffered more and with greater intensity the consequences of […]

Lessons from other countries and the support of the international community during the peace process

The experiences of other peace processes around the world and the permanent support of the international community were key in bringing the peace process to a successful conclusion.  The international community has contributed, among others, to promote the implementation of the Agreement and to provide support and technical assistance in the verification and follow-up of […]

The Ethnic Chapter: A Victory for the Communities

The inclusion of an ethnic chapter in the Final Agreement was an answer to the claim of several representatives and leaders from indigenous, black, afro-descendant, Raizal (The Raizal are a Protestant-majority Afro-Caribbean ethnic group living in the department of San Andrés y Providencia who speak an English-based creole language) and Palenquero (Palenquero is a Spanish-based […]