With the endorsement of the Final Agreement through the Congress of the Republic, the Implementation phase of the Agreement began on December 1, 2016. Among the first milestones of the implementation, the Commission for Monitoring, Promotion and Verification of Implementation (CSIVI) and the National Council for Reincorporation (CNR) were created as joint government and FARC-EP bodies to monitor the implementation process.
To facilitate the first months of implementation and provide guarantees on what was agreed, Legislative Act 01 of 2016 was approved, which created some legal instruments such as the special legislative procedure for peace, which simplified the processing in Congress of the norms related to the Agreement or the presidential powers for peace that allowed the President of the Republic to issue decrees with the force of law for a period of 6 months. Likewise, an Implementation Framework Plan was built as a planning tool that would establish the implementation roadmap for a period of 15 years.
Moreover, between December 2016 and August 2017, the process of definitive ceasefire and laying down of weapons by the FARC-EP was carried out, which would lead to the process of Reincorporation into civilian life of excombatants and the creation of their political party.
The government entity in charge of coordinating and promoting the implementation of the Final Agreement would be the High Counselor’s Office for the Post-Conflict -which has since then been transformed-. Several entities would also be called upon to play active roles in the execution of the measures foreseen in each of the points of the agreement, among them, the Agency for the Renewal of the Territory (ART), the National Land Agency (ANT), the Ministry of the Interior, the High Counselor’s Office for National Security, the Ministry of Justice, the three entities of the Comprehensive System of Truth, Justice, Reparations and Non-Recurrence, among others.